Disability Project Support & Consultation

A slow current overlaps a platform which extends out into a seemingly endless Lake Michigan. The water is a dark green, reflecting the watercolor purple, blue, and light yellow sky.

I offer mentorship to artists, educators, cultural institutions, entrepreneurs, and anyone curious about developing and/or creating an access ethic for their art or business practice. I have previously educated individuals and groups on subtitles, audio description, and image description for media needs, disability-specific language when working with people with disabilities, ADA accessible venues, creating accessible schedules and expectations, and more.

I am happy to work with individuals and groups who are open-minded and excited to integrate an access framework into their practice(s). I offer non-judgmental education and feedback with the intention to support more equitable and inclusive spaces, communities, and futures. My lived experience with chronic pain and non-visible disabilities, in addition to my video practice and Advanced Certificate in Disability Studies (City University of New York) has informed my consultation practice.

The form below is available for your questions or scheduling inquiries. I meet over Zoom and/or in-person (I currently live in Salt Lake City, Utah). Payment is on a sliding scale according to meeting times and project requests. I look forward to learning together.